Influencers Weekly Devotional

May 10, 2010

Go With ME

Embracing our Sacred Responsibility with Christ

“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled (plaro) with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:17-18 (NIV)   For those of you who have participated in The Journey, which is the Influencers 9-month discipleship process, you are aware of our session on “Being Filled with the Spirit.” In this session, we ask our participants to be creative and write a prayer, a letter, or a poem to God. Since the word “filled”, as used in the verse above, is a nautical term and could also be used for the filling of a sail, we suggest this creative work parallel one’s life with a sailboat, needing to be filled with the wind (Spirit).   If you have ever sailed a boat, you know what it is like to lose the wind in your sails and the frustration of being aimlessly adrift. In the same way, the Christian, who loses the filling of the Holy Spirit, is adrift in life. I recently read a poem written by Tony Elliott, who is one of our founders. It touched me so deeply, I asked him if I could share it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Most of all, if any of you feel adrift, I hope it will encourage you in finding the Wind for your sails again. Rocky

Adrift   Loaded and excited, I've set my sail to serve the Lord and not to fail. I've knowledge, direction and the wind at my back no reason for worry of my sails going slack.

Confident am I and knowledge for sure, I slip into my boat, my outfit du jour Cast out from the dock, out to the sea where I smell the salt, feel the wind, and hear the sails flapping in the breeze.

All goes well for a long, long time, then a shift in the wind and I stop on a dime. What happened I say? How can this be? I've done everything required of me.

Boy, I am miffed and angry as hell for the wind has abandoned me and my sail. How can this be, no wind in my sail, to ponder such circumstance, I spit, cry and wail.

Day after miserable day, no change in the wind, I've been adrift so long, I can't remember from when, aimless, listless, spiritless, floating out of control, lethargic, sluggish, and thoughtless, without goal.

Every once in awhile a small respite arrives, as the wind gently fills my sail, to my delight. But just as quickly it fades, and my anger returns and nothing to do, but to curse and internally burn.

Daily, I swear at those from my past, with nothing to do, but inventory time which has elapsed. Bitter, vindictive and malicious I've become, cruel, merciless, resentful and unforgiving as scum.

In my misery, I yield to my natural man. Lust, anger, bitterness all become part of my superior plan. To right this ship, my wind in its sails, to return to port and my vengeance to unveil!

Five years later, still adrift at sea, my angry plans no longer a part of me. Reflection, exhaustion, hopelessness and despair, my ship, my sails still without air.

Then a Voice from the past whispers in my ear, "You're wrong to hold onto these things you hold dear. So yield, surrender, give up I say get down on your knees and confess today."

What's that I feel? A tenderness of heart? What's that I hear? That rushing from the dark? It's the Spirit of God come to save my day, to fill my sails that I may sail, far, far away.

Thank you Spirit for your revelation to me. Thank you Spirit for your forgiveness to me. I've grieved you so, these past five years. Thank you for pruning me with those sharp, shiny shears.

It will take time, reflection and prayer, to keep these sails filled with your air. But time is all that I have while I heal and make amends, high again on the seas, air in my sails salt in my lungs and an end to my travails.