Influencers Weekly Devotional

September 20, 2010

Go With ME

Embracing our Sacred Responsibility with Christ

King of Kings - King of Grace

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1-2 (NIV)

I'm somewhat of a history buff. After I returned from Egypt 3 years ago, I have had an interest in ancient kingdoms and the monarchs who ruled them. I've been intrigued by the absolute rule of these men and how they used and abused their subjects in order to build monuments to themselves. From the Pharaohs to the Khans, to the Persian Kings and the Chinese Emperors, I have discovered there is one thing in common with all of them. These men ruled with iron fists and hard hearts. The lives of their subjects meant little to them. In fact, the term "dead man walking" could have originated with these monarchs, as anyone who approached the king was dead, unless the king permitted him to live. The wave of his scepter meant life, which was a great relief to one who came before his king. If the king didn't look on his subject with favor, the subject was killed. Little wonder the people of these kingdoms groveled before their king in absolute humility, afraid to even lift their eyes and behold him. They knew his heart was hard, and they knew he was unpredictable as to how he would act in any occasion. It was always a guessing game, whether favor would be bestowed by the king and if he would live. What a way to approach your king. Worst of all, a message was sent that your life was useless and worthless to your king. How could a king like this be loved? Feared? Yes. Loved? Not likely. Americans, and people of free nations, would generally have a hard time relating to such a perspective, for we have never been ruled by a tyrant king. Most everyone alive in this nation at this time has lived with the assurance of their worth as humans, their dignity protected by this nation's laws. Yes, there were slaves and immigrants who were mistreated by tyrant landowners and industrialists. This is part of this nation's history. But there is also another part of this nation's history, which is where its founding principles were inspired by the King of Grace. No one can deny the truth about this nation's history that the founding fathers had in their mind a nation that would thrive under God's authority and His guidance. There are people who would like to rewrite history, and they are doing the best they can to do it. But the truth is the truth. We were founded as a nation to allow every man to live free, never being required to worship any man. We are free to worship the only King Who deserves our worship. This right is bestowed on every citizen of this nation. But have we forgotten this? Do we take this gift given to us by the King of Kings and the laws of this nation for granted, or do we dismiss it as nothing special? Based on what I see, I'm afraid it is taken for granted. The laws or this nation cannot, nor should not, require its citizens to have a thankful attitude about our system and our freedoms, or else it would become dictatorial. For this reason, many Americans live with anger, distrust and an attitude of entitlement. A democracy must accept the good with the bad. We will have to live with a good, but imperfect system and do the best we can. But there is another perspective for Christians that is required, and it is this perspective on which I focus. As a member of God's family, we do not live and operate under a democracy. We live and operate under a Theocracy and God's Kingdom rules. We do not have a vote in His kingdom. God is the ultimate King. That is why He is called the King of Kings. He is the Creator of all things and has sovereign authority over all things and all people. Every knee will bow before Him one day and will know Who this King is and the how ultimate His rule is. If you think an earthly king would be intimidating because of his sovereign right over your life, how do you think you would feel before a King Who has sovereign rights over your soul? Many people tend to think of God as a "softie", believing all ends well because of it. But never think God is soft. He is good through and through, but not soft. He has a provision through Jesus that bestows His grace, and we can approach Him because of it, and through no other way. It is not because we deserve it or have earned the right. It is the rule of His Kingdom and the plan and provision the Theocracy created for our redemption. Even though God is good, and there are good people who have not accepted His provision, He will not violate His own Kingdom rule and give them another way. The somber truth is: not every person will be permitted into His Kingdom, for they have not accepted His provision which allows them to approach Him. Whether they may be good or bad, God's plan is non-negotiable, and the consequence of not following it is irreversible. His kingdom rule is in place, and He has stated it clearly. Look what Jesus says in His parable concerning the subject: “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes? ’ The man was speechless. “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:11-14 This is another one of those verses that causes us to ask some doctrinal questions about the chosen of God. But I believe all doctrinal views will have this in common: We all believe that the wedding clothes that this parable speaks of are "robes washed white by the blood of the Lamb," as mentioned in Revelations. If we receive Christ, our filthy rags caused by our sin have been replaced by God's garments, which are washed by the Lamb of God's blood. Our filthy rags have been replaced by wedding garments, and we are invited to the wedding feast that will last for an eternity. If we do not have these wedding garments, a plan is in place that takes us to another place, a place more terrible than can be imagined. So, how does this strike you? Can you now look at a non-Christian family member, or neighbor, or co- worker the same way? By knowing what they will face one day when their life ends on this earth, can you be passive in your prayers about them and with your efforts to tell them about God's provision? Men, there is a reason God keeps us in this life, as His child. We are His hands, feet and voice to spread the word about the great feast God has provided for all people, if they will take the wedding garment He has provided. As a disciple of Christ, we must operate with a sense of urgency that we have been given a "Great Commandment" by our King. We are to go, baptize, teach, and make disciples. We have been told to do these things by the King of King, and we are His provision to the world to announce that the Bride Groom is on His way to claim His Bride. The wedding feast is not far away, and we have much to do to bring people to the feast. Let's start now by doing our part and embrace our sacred responsibility. There is much at stake. Rocky TO DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS DEVOTIONAL, CLICK HERE