Influencers Weekly Devotional- 8/23/2013

September 13, 2013

Integrity In All Seasons


Rocky Fleming

  "Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us." Titus 2:7-8     Back in 1987 I was invited to a symposium on absolute ethics, and by the way, ethics and integrity go hand in hand.  You cannot have one without the other.  When I arrived, I saw that I was in the company of some very successful corporate leaders, many of whom were Fortune 500 leaders gathered from across the nation.  I also noticed these men were followers of Christ and wanted to lead their company with the value system that God determines for business, and not how the world would direct them.  That was why we were there.  There were some interesting facts shared that weekend about America's decline in productivity.  The decline followed shortly after the introduction of "Situational Ethics" as an acceptable compromise to the "Absolute Ethics" our country's businesses used prior to that time.  If you don't know the difference, I'll explain it quite simply as being a philosophical strategy that as long as what is said or done produces a favorable outcome for the bottom line, it is acceptable to do it.  In other words, it is OK to cheat, lie, steal, shortcut quality and undermine in any way needed if it helps the bottom line.   Before that time, American industry, although not perfect, did have a sense of right and wrong based on Biblical values, whether they knew it or not, and as a result we were the most dominate nation in the world in almost every aspect of business and industry.  Sure there was still thievery and cheating and all aspects of bad business going on then.  But at least the leaders and employees and public knew it was cheating and stealing.  Now it is accepted as a way to reward executives, and a reward to stockholders as they see the value of their stock shares increase.  Stockholders ask, "After all, if my stock is increasing in value, why do situational ethics even matter?"  But, look where it has taken us?  What do Bernie Madoff's customers think of his situational ethics now?  How about those mortgage backed securities that were backed by and propped up by empty promises so they could be sold?  How does the real-estate industry and customers who lost their homes and businesses feel about situational ethics now?  How many Bernie Madoffs have been cultivated and raised up in this Country just because the loss of personal integrity has become an option, rather than a non-negotiable stand?  Look at the results.   What happened when the automobile industry in America adopted a reason to not hold to their integrity with their customers and the products they were producing based on the new ethics strategy?  Cars were produced that began to fall apart way too early.  "Planned obsolescence" became a marketing plan for junking old cars before their time so the industry could sell new ones.  Customers rebelled, for they knew something was wrong.  They knew the Germans and other countries were producing better cars.  Then the industry lost its market share as low cost, well-built alternatives from Germany and Japan took over what was once dominated by the American automotive industry.  Then many other businesses in America lost sales, market share, and measurable results were seen beginning in the 1960's when the new strategy of "Situational Ethics" was introduced and adopted.  The once proud and dominant productivity of this Country was obviously affected.  Our productivity as a nation has been going down ever since, due mainly to a loss of integrity in the way we do business, do government and in the way we treat people.   You would think someone would connect the dots and figure out why it happened?  Well some people did, and I was with them back in 1987.  What was seen were some bright spots that there was still hope for businesses, if there was a return to their integrity in dealing with everyone from the supply chain to the customer, and of course with their employees.  That weekend those leaders talked about building their businesses on the Judeo / Christian ethics taught in the Bible, and how it guided them to be successful leaders and successful businesses.  Like all the others, they were challenged by the new competition and times were tough.  But, their businesses weathered the demise brought to the others, even though they faced the same competition and challenges the others had.  Somehow they stood firm and strong through those storms, but doesn't God tell us that we will stand strong if we keep our integrity and do things His way, and He will bless us?   There were even some business leaders that shared that their business had the end in sight, but before their collapse they began reintroducing the absolute ethics found in the Bible back into their businesses, and a strange thing happened.  Their productivity spiked upward and sustained, as their integrity in dealing with employees, customers and all contacts in their businesses reflected these new values.  They had to fight not giving into doing it the old way, for losing ones integrity in dealing with business issues, ministry issues, or in all aspects of life is an easy thing to do, for it comes so naturally to fall back to our carnal nature.  It is easy, for it goes with the grain of the value system of this world.  It is hard, for if you haven't figured it out, you one day will, that doing things God's way is very challenging most of the time.  But, doing it His way is rewarded with His blessings and His assurance that we are on the right path.   "For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints." Proverbs 2:6-8   Most of you know that I was in the business sector for 40 years before following Christ in founding Influencers, becoming a writer, and moving into full-time ministry to direct the ministry.  Therefore, you might be guessing that I wanted to give you Christian businessmen something to think about for your business with all the above information I gave about ethics.  You would be wrong, for all I wanted to do was lay a foundation of truth before you and say this to you:  No matter what you do in life, whether it be business, family or ministry, if you do not deal with people and issues with the personal integrity that Christ would want you to have, you can count on Him not being in it with you.  If you think the loss of your personal integrity is only a business problem, think again.  There is just as much temptation to lose one's integrity while being a husband, a friend, a father, or even serving in ministry, and doing ministry things.  There is as much temptation to feel that the greater good in serving Christ and getting things done for Him is more important than how we get it done, and how we treat people as happens in business.  Why is this so even in ministry?  It is because we can allow "Situational Ethics" to invade our perspective and compromise our actions ... and as a result, our personal integrity can become affected.  Likewise, our walk with Christ becomes hindered.  It is a serious thing to lose one's personal integrity.  It hurts to the very core of who we are, and it will disturb the most important relationship we will ever have.  That is just too great a price for losing our integrity, wouldn't you agree?   Men, let's look at the verse I've listed at the beginning for a practical test for our integrity.  I say to you as a man who has made many mistakes with his words, "Guard your tongues.  Do not slander.  Do not promote yourself by putting someone else down.  Do not overstate.  Do not enamor and create an unreasonable expectation because of your promises or words of influence."  I have seen words that were spoken without integrity create division, hurt, and a removal of God's anointing from a man and his business and his ministry because of it.  You may mistakenly think what you are doing for your company or for God serves a greater cause, and how you do it is not of concern to God.  But, God sees it differently.  He values your integrity more than your work for Him or for your employer.  Guard the integrity of your thoughts and words.  Personal integrity and ethics must begin in those places if you want to be a man of integrity that will honor God.   Next, men, at all times even with people you do not like, guard your integrity in the way you deal with all people.  God's man should reflect the values of Christ because of how He treats you and me.  He is just, so we should be just.  He is merciful, so we should be merciful.  He is gracious, so we should be gracious.  If we will restrain the nature within us that needs the approval and acceptance by our fellow man and the value system of the world, and not strive to win their acceptance by the compromising of our integrity, we will then be able to take the next step as a righteous man.  The next step is to bless with our integrity, and help others see the difference in a man who is the real deal, and not one who just talks a game.  God is a Man of Integrity in everything He does.  He is faithful.  He deals with us at all times as He is, and not by what He becomes for the occasion.  Likewise, you and I must be the same man in season and out, and in all situations no matter how challenging it is.  We must be His man, and deal with all things with the integrity inspired in us by the ONE who lives by His integrity.  Then, we can expect His help in all we do.  If not?  Well, consider what happened to the Chevy Vega, the Chevy Corvair, and the Ford Pinto (which I once regretfully owned two of the three) and other similar cars that situational ethics rolled off the assembly line and were put into customer's hands?  They didn't make it.  Their flaws became their identity and it scared people away from them right and left.  Yes, this could happen to you, as well, if you lose your integrity.  Take a stand and be God's man.  This is the man our times need.