
Abiding Testimony

September 14, 2023

We love to share testimonies of transformation from our Journey participants.  “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” Revelation 12:11


Mark Sutton (Scottsdale, AZ) - My Letter to God

The best way that I can think of explaining the Influencers Journey Discipleship is with a letter to God.


Oh, Lord, Thank You for this amazing group of men and thank You for the opportunity to let me watch these men transform into spiritual influencers. You have prepared the men in this Journey group to be Your champions. They are now empowered brothers in Christ, equipped to go out and make disciples in our world.


I know that You love me, You have adopted me, and have saved me from the orphan spirit. I have learned to strip myself of strongholds that hinder my success at becoming the man You want me to be.  I have learned to abide in Christ and how to let the Holy Spirit fill me like wind fills a sail. I have also learned that You’ve entrusted me with spiritual gifts that I will use to bear everlasting fruit and bring glory to You.  You have taught me about spiritual warfare and how to defend against evil by using my faith as a shield. Now I put on the full armor that You have given me as I carry out my sacred responsibility in my home and out into the streets of the world.  I realize that the Journey class is a blueprint for how I am to live my life from this day forward. I must feed on Your Word daily and put You before everyone and everything in this world. I will be honored to be a living sacrifice to You.


“I embrace my position, state of life, and circumstances as an opportunity to fulfill Your sovereign plans and in doing so, I am provided an opportunity to worship You.” Modified quote from Rocky


I can’t thank You enough for giving me the Influencers Journey process and letting the Holy Spirit guide Rocky and our amazing leaders, Rich and Barry.


This Journey process has turned a room full of strangers into a room full of amazing brothers I can forever depend on. Let me always reach back to help other brothers and sisters reach the summit of abiding in Christ.

I now confidently live a life with personal abandonment and absolute trust.

I love you, Lord, with all my heart.

Forever Your son,
