We Need to Lock Shields in Prayer Today!

March 30, 2010

Fellow Influencers and Brothers in the Battle: I sense, this morning, an unusual heaviness, as I hear of fellow Journey brothers being plagued by darkness, health concerns, worries about their children, giving in to temptation, etc.  Men, we are being used by God to change lives for eternity, and the enemy does not take it lightly.  He will try anything he can to trip us up, as he is under the illusion that he can defeat us.  He does not realize that when Jesus said, "It is finished!" as he paid that final sacrifice on the cross, the war was won. However, we fight these daily battles, as we seek to take ground for the Kingdom.  We have the power of the Spirit on our side, and we must walk in the power through personal abandonment and absolute trust! Brothers, first, spend some time in Prayer today, asking the Spirit to rebuke Satan and to rescue our brothers in need today.  Second, if the Lord puts a Journey brother on your heart today, stop everything and give him a call to check on him.  Let's not just assume everyone is okay. As we lock our shields in faith across this world, we create an inpenetrable wall of protection and a strength beyond anything we could find on our own.