[email protected] | 1003 S.E. 14th St. Ste. 5, Bentonville, AR 72712 | 479-974-1112
“If a man abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.”
– Jesus, John 15
At its core, the Influencers is a ministry which guides individuals into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is accomplished in a small-group setting called a Journey Group. Participants meet for a 9-month period with a group of believers who share the same heart to go deeper in their relationship with Christ.
As they begin to understand and participate in this process of abiding, true life transformation begins to take place. These individuals become Influencers to their world, which means marriages, children, businesses, and communities are impacted.
Our Mission
To encourage and influence individuals toward an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, through a journey to spiritual intimacy.
Our Vision
To transform lives through The Journey, enabling them to be a positive influence to their world around them.
Who We Are
Influencers Global Ministries is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping guide believers into an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ so they can become true disciples and will be equipped to make disciples of others. Our method is “The Journey,” a 9-month process where a small group of believers…
The Journey was first used with men in the marketplace, but through the years, has expanded to churches, to women’s groups, couple’s groups and has been used in prisons and jails, as well. In our 20-year history, we have been eyewitnesses to amazing life transformation which has resulted in a positive impact on marriages, families, communities, cities.
Influencers originally wanted to reach men in the marketplace, but over time, we realized that these men had influence in their homes, in their churches and in their communities. God began inviting us into new opportunities to use The Journey in churches, with women’s groups, with couple’s groups, in Jails and Prisons and in other cultures and languages.