[email protected] | 1003 S.E. 14th St. Ste. 5, Bentonville, AR 72712 | 479-974-1112
Michael Daoust - DFW
Michael and Elizabeth Daoust are dedicated to guiding anyone towards an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ…
The seeds for Influencers Dallas-Fort Worth were laid in Spring of 2012 when Michael experienced two major life events at the same time. First, Michael’s Home Church was experiencing a Church split while at the same time he discovered that he had a major back injury that was going to end his 25-year career as a firefighter. During these difficult times and on the search for someone to help, it allowed Michael to reconnect with a previous mentor, Pete McKenzie.
Michael and Pete met, and it was during their conversations that Pete handed Michael a book called “The Journey to the Inner Chamber” by his best friend, Rocky Fleming. Michael read the book, enjoyed it thoroughly and wanted to experience the “Inner Chamber” as he was not sure that he had. The inner chamber is a place of deepening one’s intimacy in Christ. Throughout the next 9 months Michael wrestled with “The Journey” materials and discussed with Pete their implications in his life. The result was transformative!
Michael was so excited about the process he had just experience in The Journey that he wanted to share it with all his friends and Church. Sadly, it was not to be, life events of surgeries and moving meant his prayer of passing forward this process to others would have to wait because knowing that Michael was going to be retired, his family was praying about what and where the next path in their lives should take them. Still, Michael’s transformation led to a passionate desire for the Scriptures, reminiscent of his commitment to Christ some 35 year before. At the encouragement of his wife Elizabeth, Michael decided to attend Dallas Theological Seminary, meaning they would be relocating to the DFW area. Settling in Frisco Texas, in 2016.
In 2018 as part of a Seminary assignment, Michael contacted his Church’s new Pastor of Discipleship, Grant Castleberry to see if he could assist the Church while completing the assignment. Pastor Grant not only approved the collaboration but invited Michael to be involved with the Churches Men’s Ministry. At Pastor Grants direction, the Church was looking for ways to increase the Discipleship of the men at our Church. As part of the research for this, Michael shared 35 years of men’s ministry materials that he had participated in over the decades. With no prompting by Michael, Pastor Grant went through dozens of curriculums and ended up selected the Influencer Journey Materials and in the Spring of 2018 the church conducted 2 Journey to the Inner Chamber groups, which lead to the first Journey Group in the fall of 2019.
The 2019 Journey Group exceeded all expectation as men pressed into their relationship in Christ experiencing similar transformations as Michael did years before. From this first group, they launched 2 and then 2 became 4 leading to groups at several other local Churches. While serving at the Church, Michael hopes and prays that he could continue to share this process ever wider in with the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Plex where he lives. Therefore, with the support of other local men who had experienced the same life transformation in Christ he had, they established Influencer DFW, a Regional Office of Influencers Global Ministries in March of 2022.
To God be the Glory, as men and women are encouraging fellow believes toward an intimate, abiding relationship in Christ (1 Cor. 3:7). If you have any question about Influencer or would like to know more about how to be involved with one of our Groups within the Metro Plex, visit the Influencers DFW website HERE or feel free to contact Michael (info above).
To God be the Glory!