[email protected] | 1003 S.E. 14th St. Ste. 5, Bentonville, AR 72712 | 479-974-1112
The Journey is a 9-month Discipleship process to help individuals find an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ that will enable them to become Influencers in their world.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.”
Jesus- John 15:5
For centuries, men and women have been seeking God in various ways, but given the performance-oriented nature of men, most have sought to reach Him through activity. Jesus Himself said that unless a man remains, or “abides” in Him, he can do nothing. The Journey helps believers learn to “Be still and know that He is God,” and to draw close to Him through His Word before endeavoring to “do” anything for Him. Through this, God helps remove the hindrances in their lives, so He can bear fruit in them. The Fruit of the Spirit enables the gifts of the Spirit. Journey participants become Influencers for God in their families and their world.
Small Group Discussion Meetings
A Journey group meets every week or every other week for about 9 or 10 months, either in person or on-line. You will get to have candid conversations with this group, share spiritual discoveries and encourage one another.
Personal Bible Study including Journaling
We will teach you how to connect with God through His Word. One key tool we use is Journaling. Our goal is for you to have a hunger for God’s Word and become a self-feeder.
Personal Guides to help show the way
Every Journey Group has Guides who are on The Journey with you. They are not teachers or counselors, but rather, facilitators to help point you in the right direction and to monitor your progress.
We incorporate 3 different retreats where you will spend extended time away with your group and with the Lord. These retreats are usually on a Saturday. All of these are designed to help you carve out more time for intimacy with The Father.
We encourage all participants to read a book,Journey to the Inner Chamber, written by Rocky Fleming, which is an allegory about the spiritual progression of man and God’s desire for intimacy with us.
Most Journey groups begin with a discussion of this book before participants commit to the 9-month Journey.
If your city is not listed, many Virtual options are also available.
Global Office
Regional Office
Emerging City
We’re ready to help you begin your journey towards a truly transformed life through an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
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