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Ferdos, a Christian refugee in Greece in danger!

A member of our Journey Group Mark Brannan, while on a mission trip several years ago met Ferdos, a young Christian refugee. He witnessed her strong testimony of Christ which led to the salvation of a refugee from Turkey. Her family became refugee’s from Iran about three years ago. They managed to flee from Iran after severe ethnic and religious persecution. Greece has determined to expel the family back to Iran before the end of April.

Ferdos and family fled after an arranged forced marriage with her mothers cousin, and intensifying persecution as a Christian. In Iran if you were born to a Christian family there is not as much persecution, however converting from Islam to Christian is illegal by law and can be punishable by death. Killing those who convert to Christianity is permitted by that religion and even promoted, the person who kills is Jihad-part of the struggle to defend Islam.

It is very probable that upon their return to Iran they will be killed because of their faith as a Christian. Please pray for Ferdos and her family for a remedy to avoid return to Iran.

April 7, 2021


Healing for HIS Hands

Healing for my hands...a worship leader musician sidelined by pain & infection.

March 30, 2021


Evie Lawrence

Prayers for my body joints. Had hip replacement 2019. Need low back, neck and hand surgery. Would love if God would heal me. Thank you so much

March 30, 2021


Healed Re-Marriage at Easter

Healing in my marriage. We remarried Easter 2018 as Influencers prayed, and I am seeking the 2nd part of the resurrection (ascension) to a healed marriage. Pray for Mike and Sabrina to united (one-mind & Spirit) in Christ and in our marriage.

March 30, 2021


Michael & Michelle

As they continue to battle the effects of COVID. Michelle was admitted to the hospital last night and is now separated from Michael and the rest of her family and friends. Please pray for comfort and rest, and God's complete healing. May the Spirit's council and comfort prevail.

March 30, 2021


Evie Lawrence

I really would love if God would heal me. I’m 76 years old and don’t want to go through anymore surgeries. I believe God can heal me. All my joints are bad. Arthritis in all of them. I’m as healthy as a horse otherwise. No health problems just joint problems. Thank you for your prayers. I absolutely love The Journey. Read the books. They are awesome. It’s the best study I have ever been through. PS 139 tells me how much God loves and cares for me.


Thank you for sharing your faith and walk with the Lord. My husband is going to a group also. He loves it too

March 25, 2021



I need wisdom about to have or not to have surgery. Would love God to heal my joints.

March 25, 2021


For the family of Brandon, an 18-year-old from Rogers who died in a car crash

Please pray for peace and comfort for the family and friends of Brandon Malachi Hollowell who was killed in a car accident this past week in Rogers, AR.

March 24, 2021


Marcus Easley, Rogers AR

He is going in for surgery this Friday to remove a 2.5 cm tumor in his bladder. They are concerned about bladder cancer.

As of March 23, 2021

From Marcus' wife, Kelley:

We got some very hard news today. The path results came back and the doc who performed his surgery called to say that he has a rare form of bladder cancer called Plasma Cytoid. It constitutes only about 1% of bladder cancers. Although the tumor which was removed had not spread to any other parts of his body, which is good, it is highly likely to return and to be more aggressive. In fact, it is resistant to chemo. For those reasons, the doctor is recommending removal if his bladder.  I don’t know if there are second opinions to be had or specialists to consult, but we definitely need continued prayers for wisdom. 

March 17, 2021


Laken, Northwest Arkansas, my daughter's best friend had a cancerous brain tumor removed.

Laken, Northwest Arkansas, my daughter's best friend had a cancerous brain tumor removed and must undergo several weeks of chemo and radiation. Please pray for healing and peace.

March 10, 2021

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