
24 Hour Awakening Prayer- SIGN UP AND JOIN US

April 30, 2020

Influencers 24 Hour Awakening Prayer

A Global Plea for Revival

“The hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11  We are being called to Pray.  We are praying for an Awakening, a Revival among God’s people in this country.  We felt impressed to have a 24 hour time of prayer beginning Friday, May 1st at Noon Central Time, and going through Saturday, May 2nd at Noon.  Interestingly, May 1st coincides with the end of this 40 Day Quarantine we’ve all been enduring. We are praying that God would use this time of crisis to awaken His people.  The last “Great Awakening” in this country was in 1847 and it started with a group of 6 NYC businessmen starting a lunch prayer meeting.  Six months later, thousands of people were praying in cities all over this country and tangible fruit resulted in:
  • Salvations
  • Believers returning to God
  • Families reading the Word together
  • A hunger for righteousness
  • Community morals purified
  • Churches preaching bold truths
Influencers hopes to help create a spark with this Prayer effort that will be fanned into flame, into a movement of Prayer that will extend beyond this 24 hour period. PLEASE JOIN US!  We have created a Sign-up with 15 minute slots running during our 24 hour period, and the first hour and the last hour, we will join together collectively via Zoom.  We would love to see Journey Groups and/or Families taking a few slots and praying together.  Please sign up and spread the word. SIGN UP NOW   DETAILS: Friday, May 1st at NOON to 1:00 PM Central Time via ZOOM With 15 minute Prayer Slots available for the next 22 hours until we end it together via ZOOM for an hour Ending Saturday, May 2nd 11:00-12:00 CST together via ZOOM Meeting ID: 933 7807 7901