A Week of Prayers - YOUR WILL BE DONE
A Week of Prayers
Bryan Craig
TUESDAY- Your Will Be Done
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"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10 NIV
This part of Jesus' prayer says SO much. We've just been covering the section in The Journey, "God is Willing," where we talk about how God wants to help us with our needs in life. However, the more we mature and the more we study Scripture, the more we realize that God is working on "our will". He wants us to reach a point where we pray, "Not as I will, but as You will."
Matthew 26:39. He uses trials and temptations as a way to get us to seek Him. Then, He can prove His willingness to enter into our situations.
Lord, you are Sovereign. You control the Universe. You care about my world...my marriage, my family, my finances, my career, my struggles, my questions. You are orchestrating my life in such a way to bring me abundant life. You are stretching me and teaching me and trying to help me gain a heavenly perspective about every person in my life and every situation. You are strengthening my faith so I will be mature and complete. You don't want me to measure my satisfaction by the world's standards. You want me to be content in the simple, quiet life of faith.
We don't understand so many things in this world. We see evil running rampant and apparent injustice all around us. We see bad things happening to good people, and it confuses us. We feel like You are far away many times, Lord. We wonder if we are in the last days of existence, but we believe You have prepared a place for us in Heaven. We know this world is not our home, and we are aliens and strangers here. But you sent Your Son, Jesus, to this world to bring Heaven to Earth. Then, Jesus, You sent Your Spirit to live with us here on Earth. Lord, You are here. You have not left us. Your Kingdom is here.
Father, have Your way with us. We accept all of our circumstances as sovereign because they have passed through the gateway of your permission. Forgive us for whining and complaining just like our forefathers, the Israelites, did after you delivered them from Egypt. You have rescued us, and we owe You our gratitude and submission.
We pray that Your Will would be done here. We know Your will is that we would believe in Your Son Jesus, that we would be obedient to Your Word, that we would love one another, that we would take care of those in need, that we would be generous, that we would Pray continually, and that we would make Disciples.
Lord, as Influencers, we want all these things as well. It is why we exist. Lord, we want to be used by You to set the captives free. Lord, we give Influencers to You. Use us as You see fit. Take us where You want to take us. Use The Journey process for Your glory. Help us set up Your kingdom on earth now, so people will get a foretaste of Heaven.
In Jesus' name, Amen.