Influencers Devotionals
Abiding in Hope
April 10, 2020
Fellow Influencers:
We pray that you are well, physically, emotionally and spiritually. As we have learned, Abiding in Christ is the key to giving us the health and peace we seek. This Easter is going to be one to remember. As we all gather with our families, may they see Christ in us, as we lead their hearts toward the One Who conquered death for good! Happy Easter…Happy Resurrection Day… May God’s Peace and Hope pour over your households.
The following reflection was sent out this week by a church in Northwest Arkansas and it was so good, we wanted to share it with you.
The very first Easter was not in a crowded worship space with singing and praising. On the very first Easter the disciples were locked in their house. It was dangerous for them to come out. They were afraid. They wanted to believe the good news they heard from the women, that Jesus had risen. But it seemed too good to be true. They were living in a time of such despair and such fear. If they left their homes their lives and the lives of their loved ones might be at risk. Could a miracle really have happened? Could life really had won out over death? Could this time of terror and fear really be coming to an end?
Alone in their homes they dared to believe that hope was possible, that the long night was over, and morning had broken, that God’s love was the most powerful of all, even though it didn’t seem quite real yet. Eventually, they were able to leave their homes, when the fear and danger had subsided. They went around celebrating and spreading the good news that Jesus was risen and love was the most powerful force on the earth.
This year, we might get to experience a taste of what that first Easter was like, still in our homes daring to believe that hope is on the horizon. Then, after a while, when it is safe for all people, when it is the most loving choice, we will come out, gathering together, singing and shouting the good news that God brings life even out of death, that love always has the final say!
This year we might get the closest taste we have had yet to what that first Easter was like. Author Unknown