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Abiding is an International Calling

September 21, 2022

Abiding is an International Calling

When Rocky led the first group of Christian businessmen through The Journey in 2001, he wasn’t looking much past Northwest Arkansas or the South.  We have been amazed to see The Journey helping people all over the United States and even internationally.  Here Moses Ndahiro, from Rwanda, talk about his experience going through a Virtual Journey Group.  Powerful! 

You can be part of the International movement too:

    • Pray for people of other countries to find The Journey process and for God to raise up Champions in those countries.
    • Consider asking your Journey group to “adopt” a Journey group in another country, where your group can pray for the individuals in their group.
    • Lead a Virtual Journey Group and be willing to guide people from other countries.
    • Make a donation to the International Discipleship Fund to help us with translations, publishing, development in other languages and countries.

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