Influencers Devotionals
And God Spoke Loudly
April 7, 2020
And God Spoke Loudly
by Rocky Fleming
It is Wednesday before Easter. It is also known as “Spy Wednesday.” It is called this for it was this day in history that Judas cut a deal with the religious power structure to betray Jesus so that they could have Him killed. Thirty pieces of silver. This was about the price of a slave. It’s not ironic that Jesus laid down His crown in heaven to take of the role of a bond slave. When we connect the dots about His purpose and His role to die for us, it begins to make sense. There’s so much more than most of us know to the crucifixion story in the prophecies before His birth, life and death. He fulfilled everything, and even the betrayal and the price that would be paid was prophesied. This is in Bible. Look it up.
So that’s where Judas was on Spy Wednesday, but where was Jesus on this day? What was He doing? It is said that Jesus was in Bethany staying with His dear friends Lazarus, Martha and Mary. While in the house of Simon the Leper in Bethany that day, a woman came to Him and anointed Him with costly perfumed oil. Some complained. But Jesus told them to leave her alone, saying that she was preparing Him for His burial. They didn’t get it, but they would later. This is about all that is recorded that Jesus did publicly that day. However, this day became a day that evil began its betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus. This is the day Judas made his deal. Even so we know from history that evil could act only for a short while when it seemed that God was silent. But He would speak again … and in a big, big way.
The religious structure, the Romans and the people who encouraged the crucifixion thought they had silenced Jesus when they killed Him. They thought His voice and message would be forever silenced, and His followers would disband. They were wrong … dead wrong … for He blasted out of the cave tomb on Sunday and set captives free in doing so. God spoke loudly that day and He was heard. In fact, what He said in His statement with Jesus’ resurrection has been re-declared for over 2,000 years. It is called the Gospel.
There was another statement made on this day, in 1966. It was the day Time Magazine published a question on its book cover that would begin a religious rebellion that would reshape the thinking of less committed or poorly discipled Christians in America. It became a method for some churches to advance social inclusion by having a less exclusive message. They determined that building up their attendance required leaving out difficult truths found in biblical doctrine that speak of right living before the Lord. They would make it an “All Faiths” congregation and bring in other religions. But the fact is it would become an evil method to move people away from Jesus Christ, who is the only way, the truth and the life. As Christians we know that He is the only way to God, and by Him alone are we saved. But this sounded too exclusive to attract more people. Therefore, they started including Him with false religions and taught He wasn’t the only way to God.
It is at this point that an erosion started in the thinking of several mainline Christian churches, and they began to embrace and declare that there are many roads to God and Jesus is just one of them. What did Time Magazine say on their cover and in their article to start this revolt? They asked this question:
From that point on philosophy was given even footing with theology. It required only what a finite mind could reason and come up with, or construct, or persuade with intelligence and arrogance, or the charisma needed to be respected and put on equal ground. These became the tools of false teachers and false prophets who preyed on their followers who would join their way of thinking and even their cult.
For many years now the media and their atheistic backers, have been a source of evil to sow confusion and diversion from the truth found in Jesus Christ and the Gospel. No one with any intelligence can look at this world and this country and not recognize that Christ and Christians are targets of misinformation and diversion from the truth. This has happened because there are people who write and speak to specifically lead others away from God. They are no longer afraid of the God of history. They choose to not believe in Him, and they choose to cause other people to not believe in Him, as well. They think and promote that Jesus Christ and the Gospel that declares God’s only atonement is irrelevant. In essence they answer the question that Time Life asked in 1966 by saying, “God is Dead, if there ever was one.”
I’ve thought about the boldness of these people to wage a misinformation and persecution campaign against Holy God and His family. I’ve concluded that I think it has been because God has been relatively silent since Christ ascension. All that has been declared is what He and the scriptures of old and new have given us to believe and tell. Some say it’s not enough and they need more of a reason, something more dynamic to get their attention. God says it is enough, and if we will believe it by faith, our eyes will be opened to more. We see this. We know this. We recognize that this happens a lot currently and in history. But atheist and anti-Christ voices will not see or hear unless they are convinced, and as a result they are bold and arrogant to think that God is dead. But not for long. God is talking now, and loudly. If they will listen, they will understand that He doesn’t like what He’s seeing.
A few weeks ago, the people I speak of were living their comfortable self-controlled environment. Everything was good and they thought they didn’t need God. If they needed a god, they would be it, or make the life they desire to be their god. These same people are now running from an invisible enemy that has threatened their way of life and maybe their mortality. Will it be enough to turn them to Holy God? Will it be enough to remove their arrogance? Will it be enough for them to fall on their knees to worship this Almighty God who they have blasphemed against, and whose holy name they have lied about? I know this about the true God who I worship. He will forgive them if they seek it. But it must start with broken repentance and humility before Him.
With this pandemic, we are dealing with something that is frightening and seemingly hopeless for people who do not know our loving God. They desperately need good news. They need Him. In fact, they are desperate for Him, and there are now those who know this as never before. Our path as a ministry is clear, but not just for Influencers. It is cleared for all of God’s family to be positive messengers to a world that’s been bombarded by false teachers, false solutions and yes, false news that would even ask the question, “Is God is Dead?” The truth is they were not asking a question. They were putting doubt into minds and hearts of people; which Satan has done since Adam and Eve. We hear them laughing while they are saying that we are fools to believe in God? But from my point of view many of the dissenting voices have been silenced for a while, for God is now speaking again. Who’s laughing now? Let’s keep praying that God will use this time to turn hearts toward Him, and that we will be His messengers. Now is the time. The harvest is great.