Announcements, Influencers Devotionals

Divisions- The Devil's Strategy

April 17, 2020

Divisions – The Devil’s Strategy

by Rocky Fleming

I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe's people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is that each one of you says, “I follow Paul,” or “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Cephas,” or “I follow Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?  1 (Corinthians 1:10-13 ESV)

Recently I’ve been troubled by how some good and faithful followers of Christ can become divided because of doctrinal differences within denominations or their own conviction with the way things should be.  These people are known to hand out a lot “you should” to people to correct them based on their own interpretation of scripture, or what they grew up being taught to believe.  They center on a few scriptures that support their claims and shut out all scriptures that would give a contrary point of view.  They listen and believe only teachers, books, and other similar materials that support their point of view and declare with great spiritual pride that all the others are wrong and only their camp is right. How does this strike you?  It tells me that they have declared that all others are wrong and only they are right.  Can this attitude be right before the Lord?

What is the basis for this critical perspective of other believers and their interpretations of the Bible?  I think is begins with their spiritual pride, which sounds so Pharisaic or legalistic.  I think it is ignorance of a true picture of the Gospel, for they shut out so much that edifies their own perspective and gives balance.  It is offensive to many people who do not agree with them.  But worst of all … it is divisive.  It plays right into the work of the enemy of God and His people to divide us from each other.  Worst of all the spiritual pride these people have hinders their relationships with others, and yes, with an intimate God that detests a critical spirit and a pride that declares what is right and wrong based on a standard they set for themselves.  Why do I share this?

As a discipleship ministry our discipleship curriculum and our undergirding of churches has taken us into most every denomination out there, both nationally and internationally.  Each of them has a slight difference of opinion about their doctrine compared with other denomination’s doctrine.  I am asked what we believe about most of those differences from baptism to method of baptism, to infant baptism, to baptism of the Spirit, to grace and works, to election, to free will, to sign gifts, to sanctification, and so on.  My answer is to ask what the Bible says and follow it concerning any of the positions I’ve mentioned.  I strongly suggest that one determines his or her doctrinal position based on scripture that they have researched to see if they are seeing the complete picture.  Our main concern is to show them how to self-feed on scripture and determine how the Holy Spirit leads their understanding.  Most all the churches we’ve worked with respect the fact that we are not trying to convert a believer to a position.  We want them to fall in love with Jesus and learn to hear the Spirit’s voice as He teaches them.  A church generally has a sound biblical position on why they believe as they do.  We feel that this is where the conversation needs to be ... between the church’s leadership and its members.  If a church does not have a sound biblical reason for its distinctions, then a member needs to determine how they will continue to identify with it. That is their informed choice to make.

Just for the fun of it I would love to be able to gather many of the great theologians, scholars and renowned pastors in the present and the past in a room to discuss the distinctions I’ve mentioned.  Think of Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, and Graham as mainstays.  Think of modern-day pastors like, Swindoll, Piper, MacArthur, Keller, Chan, to name a few.  I’d like to hear their take on all of the different denominational positions.  I’d like to hear their reference and interpretation of scripture on their positions.  They would all be the same in many things and different on some.  But I suspect they would be humble enough to say and think that they do not know it all and are still learning.  I think I would learn a lot from these men and women who would join them.  I also think the only thing that would tune me out on any of them is if any of them are dogmatic and prideful in their position, as if to say that only they know a truth and the others do not and they are wrong.  If I saw that in any of them or heard them put others down because of a different position, I feel that I would not be seeing someone who is led by the Spirit of Almighty God.  I would see divisiveness in God’s family.  I would be seeing someone I would not respectfully follow no matter their position, for their position is of lesser importance to me than the condition of their heart and souls and a healthy relationship with Christ.

The scripture I referenced above by Apostle Paul is an example of the same old positional divisiveness that Satan has been stirring up from the beginning.  He’s still doing it and people are still being baited into it.  Well I’m not taking the bait and joining it.  I’ve researched all of the positions I’ve mentioned and have a strong sense of His leadership with what I believe.  But that’s between Him and me.  I want to spend my remaining time making disciples by pointing people to Him for answers and to recognize His love for them.  So, what say in this day and time when God’s family needs to be united the most that we focus on what we have in common with His love for us and our love for Him rather than the nonsense that separates us?  I have a strong feeling that this is His heart and desire for His family.  Don’t you?  Let’s go make disciples and trust the Holy Spirit to guide us to truth.  When we get to heaven any of you who still have questions or want to argue about your position can take it up with Jesus.  After you do, tell me how that worked out for you.