God is Moving Through Influencers in Costa Rica by Bryan Craig
When Rocky completed the very first Journey group back in 2001, he was ready to move on and form another group. One of the participants said, “Rocky, I think this is bigger than you think.” They urged Rocky to get his notes together into a format that could be shared, so they, too could lead groups. Even then, I’m not sure these men could see men and women all over Costa Rica embracing The Journey process. Last week, a group of Staff and Board members and their wives traveled to Costa Rica to see this move of God being expressed right in front of our eyes.
Henry and Eugenia Gutierrez, who are leading Influencers- Costa Rica, hosted us for a powerful week. Our Costa Rica “Mission Team” included Bryan and Missy Craig (Global Office), Les and Lori Pearsey (Bakersfield), Henry and Colleen Schaeffer (Tehachapi, CA), Dan and Amanda Bartel (Bakersfield Regional Board), Glenn and Ashley Gordon (Carolinas) and Eric and Yami Pate (Global Board). We also had special guests, Ken and Yami Lander (Costa Rica Board) and Jahider and Sonia Garzon (Colombia, South America).
Henry Gutierrez, a former pastor, has a heart to support local pastors, giving them companionship, mentoring and much-needed financial support. Many of these pastors are in very poor neighborhoods where resources are sparse. Influencers Costa Rica is coming alongside these churches and also, equipping them to disciple their people through The Journey. In a short 2 years, they have taken over 300 Costa Ricans through The Journey. They are seeing some of the same types of life transformation that we have seen here in the United States. Our team got to go visit the 9 local churches who are partnered with
Influencers Costa Rica. It was very inspiring to hear the stories of these faithful men and women who have such a heart for their people. Without the help of the local church, many of the people in these communities would go hungry.
We were humbled to come alongside these pastors and pray for them and encourage them and give them some financial support. Everyone on our team gained valuable perspectives on faith, provision and perseverance. On one special night, Henry invited all of the churches to come together for a worship night. He expected about 60 people or so, but over 120 men and women filled our room. We witnessed amazing worship in Spanish that filled us all up, and we heard testimonies of life
transformation through The Journey from a few of the local Costa Ricans, as well as from a few on our team. The unity and love in that room were palpable, and at the end, Henry was inspired to have a time of healing prayer, as people held their hands high if they wanted prayer. Our team had the privilege of laying hands on individuals and seeking our Father on behalf of our brothers and sisters.
I believe this week was a great encouragement to Henry and Eugenia, as well as to the local faith community. It reminded me of times that we gather for our national events. When you get a roomful of people who abide in Christ, there is a beautiful, joyful presence of the Lord that serves to enhance our abiding. We saw that among our team as the Lord ministered to all of us, as well. I also continue to see that this “message” of Abiding in Christ and this “method,” The Journey, is for people of all tribes, cultures, languages, backgrounds. This is God’s thing, and we feel SO blessed to be a part of it.
Incidentally, you should know that we are in the final stages of re-editing and publishing all of The Journey curriculum in Spanish, for distribution in Latin America, South America, in the United States and wherever else God invites us. We wanted to make sure the Spanish translation was applicable to the broadest range of Spanish cultures and dialects, and we believe this is being accomplished.
I believe there will be more “Influencers Mission Trips” as we expand into new territory where we are invited by Him. Please be praying about where God needs us next.
Also, if you would like to make a donation to support the work in Costa Rica and Latin America, we have set up a special fund.
https://www.influencers.org/give/ CLICK ON COSTA RICA