Journey Guide Non-Negotiables by Rocky Fleming
While there is more in-depth information in our DNA document that explains our perspective, this letter is for basic understanding for guides who are involved in that capacity. Here are some basic points that we see as non-negotiables. We see it that way for we feel that God has inspired The Journey, and as Global Board members, our role is to be guardians of that which God has entrusted to us. Here are the non-negotiables:
The Journey is purposely Vertically oriented. This means it is not formed to be an encounter group, a support group, or an accountability group, as horizontally driven groups do. The mission of The Journey is to open minds and hearts to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Our method to do this is to guide a participant with how to self-feed on God Holy Word and allow His word to lead them, not feed them as Guides. Self-feeding is essential for personal growth.
The Journey curriculum has been inspired to unpack strategic truths over a nine-month basis. The length is strategic. The process is strategic. The goal is specific. Therefore, it is essential to follow it as inspired. We ask that it not be modified in any way, which includes getting off track from a session’s guidance. We know and appreciate that The Journey to intimacy with Christ does create inspiration in many people. We are glad for this. We never want to hamper or diminish this inspiration. We only ask that it not become a distraction or modification to The Journey itself. There is a time and place for a free flowing and open discussion, and it is strategically planned in some of our special prayer gatherings. Therefore, trust the process and the blessing awaits you. There is a time and place for creative people to use their creative insights that are not part of The Journey, and we encourage it with their private ministries. But we discourage it within the Journey process if it’s not in the creative areas that we’ve designated, for it distracts from our strategic process. After nine months there will be plenty of time and opportunity to express the wonderful things growing within a Guide or participant. That is the time to go with God and to express what He has created in you. We will never discourage this. In fact, we encourage it. We only ask that it be deferred to a time when The Journey process is completed to avoid disruption or distraction. If someone feels strongly about it, we ask respectfully, but importantly, that their focus with it be taken outside the group, rather than toward it or in it.
The Guide of a Journey Group is not a teacher, and in fact we feel that the Guide should be the least and last to speak, for a Guide should be trying to create a deeper connection between the Holy Spirit and the participant, and not ourselves. Jesus put great value on being a servant leader. This is the role of a Journey Guide. To be a servant leader who relies on His great work through our lives. Bringing little attention to ourselves and pointing to God’s greatness, best describes a servant leader and what we are asking our Guides to strive for.
WE DO NOT discuss different doctrinal issues in a Journey Group. There is no place in the curriculum that we discuss these things. There is a reason. We want to emphasize what we have in common. There is one thing that is clearly held in common with all Christians, churches and denominations who follow Christ. It is our atonement through Jesus Christ, and our brother and sisterhood in God’s family because of it. The mission of The Journey is to help participants know their Savior better, and to create unity of the Spirit in a group. Arguments over doctrinal views creates divisions and is why we prohibit the discussion. A guide should strongly discourage this, and most of all not create it or join it.
Prayer is essential. The great work that is done in a follower of Christ is the work of the Spirit in his or her life. As Guides our best work is on our knees and with our own abiding relationship with Christ. We do not push or pull participants in our groups, for The Journey is a grace driven process. We enable a great work of the Spirit through our lives, not by what we say, but rather by what the Spirit says to our group. As a Guide we should not stand in the way of this or feel that He needs our help. We need His help, and we will get it if we get out of the way and let Him do His work in a Journey Group.
I hope this clarifies our perspective about the role of a Guide in our Journey Groups. We all pray that God will get His glory as we follow His leadership with the process that He has inspired.