Blog, Influencers Devotionals

Journey Movie Announcement - WE NEED YOU by Bryan Craig

July 26, 2023

I went to see "Sound of Freedom" recently, a powerful movie about one man seeing the atrocity of sex trafficking in front of him and feeling a calling to DO MORE!  It's an amazing true was inspiring yet also tragic to realize this world is darker than we imagined.  Also, I’m still affected by watching the movie, “Jesus Revolution”, another true story about how faith in Jesus changed the lives of thousands of young people who were previously searching for Love in all the wrong places.  These movies prompt me to think about our world, our culture and how much we need Jesus now, more than ever.

God keeps reminding me that He gave us this gift called The Journey, which is a powerful way to change the world, one soul at a time.  With each Journey Group we lead, we chip away at the darkness as evil is drowned out by His LIGHT!  The fact remains that God sent His Son, Jesus, to save us, to set us free and to Abide with us.  Jesus was called Immanuel, which means “God With Us.”  The Journey helps us bring people to Jesus, and it changes their lives forever.

Influencers is in its 22nd year, and God continues to spread His message, using this process all over the world.  And now He is prompting us to do something we’ve never done before, to produce a major motion picture based on Journey to the Inner Chamber.   After months of prayer and planning, the Influencers Global Board decided to move forward with the creation of a Movie Production company, which will be a joint venture with Influencers Global Ministries.  We are currently calling this company Journey Productions, LLC.  We will be partnering with Christians within the movie industry to help us produce a script and to produce the film.  We will also be soliciting Donations to the ministry and Investments in the Film company to make this happen. 

God has raised up a solid, faithful group of Influencers to form an Advisory Board to oversee this project, along with representatives from the Global Board.  Our hope and prayer is not to create great entertainment, but rather to reach millions of people with the message of Hope that comes from a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  We believe, just as God has used the story Journey to the Inner Chamber in literary form to reach countless people, this visual presentation will reach even more, especially in this video culture in which we now live.

We believe hundreds of thousands of people will want to go through The Journey after seeing this film.  This thought is exciting, yet daunting.  Who will guide them?

Rocky and I and the Journey Productions Board and the Global Board would like to ask you to join us in Praying NOW for God to not only guide us through the movie production process and to protect the ministry, but ALSO, to raise up the necessary Guides and resources necessary to help every person who watches this movie who wants to go through The Journey to have a group.  This will be a HUGE undertaking, one that is beyond us and will require our Lord to show the way.

The Journey Productions team came up with the Prayer points below to help you know how to Pray.  We have also set up a Donation portal for Journey Productions for any of you who have the ability and the passion to give toward this project.  We will need funds for the movie production, but ALSO for all the resources we will create to support the follow up (Journey Guide Training videos, Curriculum printing and preparation, Church resource kits, etc). 



Prayer Requests:

  1. For us to prepare Guides, of all ages, to take all the people who want to go through the Journey into an intimate abiding relationship with God.
  2. For God to help us create all the Guide Training resources we need to help people understand how to lead Journey Groups, even if they have never been through The Journey.  We envision videos, re-worked Guide manuals, etc.
  3. For an explosion of Journey groups in the next 2 years which will produce many more Guides out of those participants.  For the Guides of those groups to mentor new Guides.
  4. For God to open the hearts of pastors, deacons and elders to encourage Journey groups in their churches so that churches all around the world are ready to disciple people.
  5. For God to raise up all people groups (different ages, cultures, ethnicities, languages) to go through The Journey so we will have more Guides to reach all people.
  6. For God to bring the people He wants to be the scriptwriters, the production company, the distributing company, the director, the actors and the movie investors.


So, fellow Influencers, WE NEED YOU, GOD NEEDS YOU and so do the millions of people who God is wanting to set free with the Truth through this movie and through The Journey.  Lord Willing, we will see the Revival this world desperately needs.


The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. Isaiah 61:1