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Journey Movie Update Journey Movie Update by Bryan Craig

June 14, 2024


It’s been a bit quiet in our communications about The Journey Movie, since our rousing presentation at the Men’s International Summit, but exciting things are happening.  I wanted to give you a few bullet points of details.  We covet your continued prayers over this project.  The Lord has been guiding us, one step at a time, and we continue to be dependent upon His direction.

1st Draft of the Movie Script- Brian Bird has completed the first draft of the screenplay.  The screenplay becomes the blueprint for the Director, Actors and Production team use to guide the process.  This is VERY important.  Brian has done an excellent job of translating Rocky’s literary story into a visual film, but the Journey Feature Films team, including Rocky, are working on feedback to hone the story further, to make sure it represents the heart of Influencers and will compel viewers to desire an abiding relationship with Christ.

A Budget- As the scenes and dialogue and screenplay comes together, we will soon have a Line Producer form a working budget for the movie.  Line Producers have experience in all aspects of the filming, production, and post-production involved in a movie and can accurately attach figures to this.  Once this is complete, we will know exactly how much money we need to raise to produce the film.  We are beginning to pray and make plans to go around the country, sharing the vision for the project with Influencers everywhere and making our financial needs known and understood.

Director and Actors- We are already compiling a list of potential Directors, with guidance from Brian Bird and Kevin Ernst, who we think would be a match with our DNA and hearts and have the gifts to make a great movie.  The same goes for the actors that will play the key roles of Jack, the man on The Journey, and Gabe, our beloved Influencer.  These decisions do affect the budget, but they also can positively affect fundraising.

Film Locations- We are starting to consider where we would film this movie.  Certain states offer incentives for filmmakers that make it appealing to consider, but there is also quite a bit of support for making this movie in Arkansas.  The landscape fits the Southern story of Gabe, and there are even a few Castle locations which provide great backdrops for the Refugee camp.  Scouting will be happening soon.

Journey Guide Mobilization Plan- We are working with our Global Board and the Regional Directors and Champions about a global plan to prepare for the response to the Movie.  We believe we will need thousands of Guides, locally and virtually, to be ready to receive moviegoers who want to know more about The Journey.  We plan to have clear messaging and instructions at the end of the movie about the next step being The Journey.  Kevin Ernst has been also helping us produce some high quality Journey Guide videos that will be available on our website soon, which will help all Journey guides, but especially those new to our ministry.

Influencers Church Discipleship Network- We would like to have at least 1000 churches around the country who would be trained in guiding Journey groups and ready to receive seekers after the movie.  We hope to have a map and list of each church on our website.  If you are on staff with a church who loves The Journey, please join our network. ICDN

Social Media- Check out our Journey Movie Facebook and Instagram pages, where we will be posting updates and Behind the Scenes information for you to follow.

Click Here to see the Journey Movie Facebook


 Click Here to see the Journey Movie Instagram


That’s the update for now. Please keep praying and if you are passionate about this project and have the ability to help us financially, in any way, you can make a tax-deductible donation. Go to our MOVIE PAGE for more information.