Blog, Announcements

Journey Productions by Bryan Craig

December 9, 2022

Journey Productions by Bryan Craig

In the early years of Influencers, a young filmmaker who produced our promotional videos out of Tulsa, OK, boldly proclaimed that he saw a vision for Influencers to produce media which would reach a broad audience and draw people to desire an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ.  He said he could see “Journey Productions.”  It was intriguing in light of the onslaught of Christian movies produced since The Passion of the Christ.  

Through the years, we have been approached by a few others who felt like Journey to the Inner Chamber, in particular, would make a great movie.  We have prayerfully pursued conversations about this, but it has never seemed like something God was calling us into, at least at that time.  As Rocky and I have discussed it, we talked about how our desire would not be to create JUST a great, entertaining, impactful movie, for that would not be different from creating JUST a powerful, life-impacting event.  But we would want to do something that would be a catalyst to motivate someone to go on The Journey where they could find the answers they are seeking.

Interestingly, as God seems to keep inviting this ministry to a larger audience, even internationally, a young filmmaker from Nigeria, Africa is currently going through The Journey virtually.  This man, Tolu Lordtanner, has a passion and vision for making Journey to the Inner Chamber into a motion picture.  He has made several films, some of which are on Netflix.  (see LordTanner Studios)  He has presented his vision for this movie to some key leaders, including our Global Board.

We prayed about this idea for 30 days, and so far, we are feeling permission to move ahead.  We have agreed to move into the “Research phase” of this project, as we flesh out “The Story” we want to tell and the scale of the project.  This will help us determine a budget.  We also want to keep praying to make sure this is God’s will.  Then, we will determine if this is God’s vision and an “open door” or a “closed door” based on whether the funding is provided.

So, I am asking you to JOIN US IN PRAYER about this possibility.  As you pray, if you have any thoughts/impressions/vision as you pray, please share it with me at [email protected].