Journey Movie Update

September 7, 2023




Fellow Influencers, we are pleased to let you know that the process of making Journey to the Inner Chamber into a movie is underway.  We just filed the appropriate paperwork to form Journey Productions LLC, along with Journey Feature Films LLC.  Now, we have the proper infrastructure in place, which will allow us to raise necessary funding via Donations or Investments, give us a mechanism to form a partnership with a movie production company and will keep this project outside of our day to day ministry operation of making disciples by taking people through The Journey.

Now, more than ever, we need your prayers.  Here are specific items you can be praying about:


  • For God to provide the money needed for the Movie and our follow-up plan from donors and investors.


  • For God to guide us to the correct production company, director, distribution company, actors and investors.


  • For God to raise up a huge network of “Journey Churches” who will be trained and experienced in The Journey and ready to receive moviegoers who want to go through The Journey.


  • For us to create a professional Guide Training Video that can be used by anyone including those who have not gone through the Journey.


  •  For God to bring to our Journey groups the men and women He wants to go through the Journey.


  • For God to raise up thousands of Journey guides from our mass of Journey graduates.


  • For God to help us provide The Journey in many languages to reach all tribes, nations.


  • For wisdom, creativity, resources in offering our curriculum in digital formats to make it more accessible.


  • That the movie is well received by the Christian and secular worlds.


  • That the Holy Spirit uses the movie to connect with individuals according to his will and urges them to become a disciple of Christ whether through the Journey or other means.


  • For a great Spiritual Awakening in the Church and in our Country.


Please be praying about all of this.  If you would be willing and able to help with our financial needs for this project or if you have industry contacts, please connect with Bryan Craig at [email protected] or at 918-830-0918.