Influencers Devotionals, devotionals

Lord, Teach Us To Pray by Bryan Craig - Repost from 2015

July 23, 2024

 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”  Matthew 6:9-13


The Influencers ministry is committed to guiding believers into an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.  I believe when a man or woman begins to understand and experience this relationship, one thing that changes, for sure, is their approach to Prayer.  No longer is Prayer some formal, mystical act where words must be chosen carefully.  It becomes a heart cry as we talk to our Daddy about our life and the lives of those around us, with the assurance that He loves hearing from us and wants to be involved in the intimate details of our life.  The Disciple of Christ begins to relish Prayer and rely on Prayer for guidance, for wisdom, for comfort and for help. 

The leadership of this ministry is committed to Prayer, for it is our portal into the mind of Christ and His plans for us. God was so gracious in sending His Son, Jesus, to help us understand the Christian life and how He intended it to be lived.  Jesus modeled this life of faith, and God gave us four consistent accounts of His life to make sure we knew how important it was.  And as Rocky points out in his book, Proximity, when Jesus told the Disciples to “Go Make Disciples” He didn’t need to explain how to do it because He had been showing them how all along. 

I’m thankful that He also taught them the importance of Prayer.  Often, Jesus would withdraw by Himself to a mountain or some other private place for Prayer.  He also taught about Prayer, telling them not to be showy or prideful in their prayers but rather, to spend most of their prayer in private.  Finally, he actually gave them a blueprint for Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer has been memorized and recited so many times that I’m afraid we might be missing its significance and power. 

The other day, I found myself at a loss for words in a time of prayer.  I asked the Lord, “What should I pray?”  Suddenly, those memorized words filled my spirit…”My Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed by thy name….”  By the time I finished meditating on this Prayer, I was filled with a newfound peace.  I can’t believe I didn’t give more credence to the prayer my Lord taught.  If He taught it, He is pleased with it.  Won’t you pray with me? 

My Father in heaven…God, You are my Father.  You are my Daddy.  You are on the Throne of the Universe, yet I can call on You any time of day.  Immediately I am connected to heaven, through prayer, through the Holy Spirit. 

Hallowed be Your name…Lord, You are worthy of my praise.  You are the great I Am. You are Jehovah.  You are the name above every name.  All creation must bow at Your name. 

Your Kingdom come…Lord, you are here.  Your Kingdom is now!  I am part of Your Kingdom.  I am Your ambassador.  Your Spirit is here, teaching me all things and guiding me into all truth. 

Your will be done…Yes, Lord.  Forgive me for asking for so many things.  Forgive me for trying to change my circumstances to my liking.  I yield to Your will, for You love me and know what is best for me. 

On earth as it is in heaven…Lord, You are preparing me for Heaven right now.  I am an alien and stranger on this earth, but You take me to heavenly places and You want me to bring heaven to those on earth.  Use me Lord. 

Give me today my daily bread…Lord, I could ask for so many things from You, but really, all I need is provision for today.  Please take care of me and my family today.  You give us shelter and food and clothing.  Let me be content with that today, for that, in itself, is a gracious blessing. 

Forgive me my debts….Lord, forgive me my sins.  I know You do, and I thank You.  Help me see if I have wronged anybody or if I have any blind spots.  Lord, show me any idols in my life.  I want to be pure. 

As I also have forgiven my debtors…Yes, Lord, I hold no grudges against anyone, even my enemies.  Lord, forgive them and bless them.  I am a man of peace, a peacemaker.  Lord, I will not let bitterness rule my heart.  Thank you, Lord. 

Lead me not into temptation…Lord, keep me out of the arena of temptation.  You promise to give me a way out when I’m tempted.  I will take the escape route.  Lord, I will guard my heart and my mind, but please give me discernment to avoid pitfalls.

 Deliver me from the evil one….Lord, I know I have a powerful adversary.  Lord, please rebuke him and help me resist him so he will flee.  Please command Your angels concerning me and battle against the evil forces which would come against me.  Lord protect me and my family.

As I prayed this prayer, I realized how much power and truth was packed into this seemingly short prayer.  I was so thankful and so empowered. My Lord taught me how to pray.  He wants to teach you, too.  Won’t you let Him?