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Please Support Influencers Women

August 16, 2024

As you may know, The Journey is NOT JUST FOR MEN! There is an organic Branch of the ministry that has formed in the past 15 years, called Influencers Women. Women have been using the same Journey curriculum, which Rocky originally thought he was writing for men, and they love it! It is helping them, too, find an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ. There are many women’s Journey groups happening in many of our key Regions and virtually, not to mention all the women involved in Couple’s Journey Groups. It is a growing part of our ministry, and we want to fan their flame.


The women are having their 2nd Women’s Summit on April 24-27, 2025, and being new, they do not have a Budget. Many of the participants will pay their own registration and travel expenses, but these ladies would love to have extra money to provide scholarships so that money does not get in the way of anyone going. They also need extra money for all the little extra expenses that come up when planning a national Summit.  


If you would be willing to help support this worthy initiative, we have set up a special donation button for the Influencers Women’s Summit and you can make a tax-deductible donation that will go directly to fund Scholarships and other summit expenses.


Please help us fan the flame of these Abiding Women!