Influencers Devotionals

Reading the Bible

January 7, 2025

The Bible is not really meant to be read from page one in Genesis to the end in Revelation, although many have done it.  It is best to do it in small chunks and follow a Bible reading plan.  There are many available.  Some are Chronological where you can follow the Bible through time.  Some divide the Bible into a daily reading plan so you can read the whole Bible in a year.  Let me give you a place to start.

First, the Old Testament describes the creation of the world and God’s people struggling from the moment of the first sin in the Garden of Eden.  God’s people are constantly under attack, and it seems like every other king that is raised up is evil.  There are “prophets” who God uses to communicate His plans and His love for His people, and also His punishment when they choose evil over Him.  All throughout, it is clear that we need a Savior.  As a matter of fact, throughout the Old Testament, there are many references to a coming Savior.

The New Testament describes Jesus’ life and teachings and His death and resurrection.  And it shows the beginning the Christian church.  It is mostly a collection of letters that were written to early believers talking to them about how to live this life of faith.  Most of these people walked with Jesus and were eyewitnesses to his miracles and His amazing love.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are 4 different accounts of Jesus’ life by eyewitnesses. 

I recommend that you start with the book of John. 

Here is a helpful way to read Scripture:

#1. Pray first that the Holy Spirit would help you understand what you are reading.

#2. Read a few verses, maybe a paragraph.

#3. Have a journal and pen nearby to write down a few thoughts.  We recommend the STAR method.

S- Scripture…jot down what Scripture you are reading.

T- Thought…write down what you think the verses are saying plainly.

A- Application…write down how this verse might apply to your life today.

R- Response…write down a Prayer in response or write down an action item you think God might be telling you to do in response.

#4. Pray again.  Ask God whatever you like and continue to see what He might be saying to you through His Word.  A good way to Pray:


A- Adoration…give Him praise.

C- Confession…confess your sins to Him. He already knows them but it’s good for us to own them.

T- Thanksgiving…give him thanks, for forgiving your sins, but also for anything else you are grateful for.

S- Supplication…bring him your prayer requests.


Other Scriptures to start with:

The Psalms…it’s good to read a Psalm every day.  They are in the Old Testament, mostly written by King David. 

Proverbs… there are 31 Proverbs, one for each day of the month.  This, too, is a good daily practice.

Billy Graham read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb each morning.

Romans Chapters 1-8.


Trust me, if you start adding a daily Bible reading and meditation and journaling time into your life, you will get to know Jesus and the Father SO much better and your life will be so enriched and blessed.

I’m praying for you and here for you if you have any questions or need guidance.