Influencers Devotionals, Blog

Say "I Do" to Jesus by Bryan Craig

July 7, 2023

A group of couples gathered at a beautiful lakehouse for our Commencement to the 9-month Couples Journey process.  Some of these couples were first actually part of a marriage enrichment study called “ReEngage” which was started by Watermark church in Dallas.  Missy and I had the joy of leading this 16 week study which probed the hearts of marriages and asked some pretty tough questions which got couples discussing difficult topics.  Our goal was to invite the couples on The Journey at the end, since no matter how much we conceptually want to work on our marriages, we have learned that the secret to a good marriage is in Abiding in Christ.

So, week after week we gathered to learn about how our God is an intimate God, and we watched the couples slowly and steadily growing closer to Christ and closer to each other.  I love getting to go on The Journey with my bride, Missy, by my side.  I love serving with her, and I love how we get to talk about all that we witness God doing in our groups.  This group was very special.  Like every Journey group I’ve led, as you get to know the participants, one thing I’ve seen over and over again is marital struggles. 

We’ve all heard that the divorce rate is something like 50% and we’ve heard that the statistic is for Christian and non-Christian couples alike.  I’ve come to determine that this is one of the biggest areas of attack from the enemy.  Just as God hates divorce (see Malachi 2:16 NLT or RSV), I believe Satan hates marriage.  It seems he is constantly trying to build a wedge between couples who marry, and he has even been successful at devaluing the whole concept of marriage so that people live together and give themselves to each other without honoring God and His covenantal desires.

As I’ve pondered this travesty, I think that the reason the Enemy hates marriage is because it represents our relationship with Christ.  In many places, Jesus is called the Groom, and we, the Church, His people, are called the Bride.

For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.  2 Corinthians 11:2

For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.  Ephesians 5:23

Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. Revelation 19:7-8

As these journeying couples gathered for Commencement, we talked one more time about the concept of “Abiding in Christ”, this somewhat elusive topic that Jesus talks about in John 15 and is mentioned many places.  As I looked upon these dear couples, many of whom had come from difficult places in their marriages, a Spirit-inspired thought came to me.

Abiding is like Marriage.  It is a full commitment.  A lifelong commitment to One.  It is built upon trust and love and hope.  It is saying, “I promise to love you, Jesus, the rest of my life, through sickness and health, through good times and bad…” And instead of saying, “Until death do us part” we can say “Even death will not part us.” 

I had never thought of this way, but this thought connected with the couples.  I think many Christians are content to date Jesus and keep him at a distance, keeping all other offers open.  Many want the benefits of a relationship with Him, but they are not prepared to give Him their entire life.  They are not sure they want to go “all-in”.  Some make a commitment to marry Jesus, but they cheat on Him all the time to satisfy their fleshly desires.  Yet, He is always so faithful and so willing to forgive.

Perhaps this will help you as you ponder your own relationship with Christ and whether or not you are abiding.  Jesus is in love with you, and He has chosen you (John 15:16), and He wants to spend the rest of this life, and the next, with you.  Will you receive Him?  Will you marry Him?

Later in the night of our Commencement, one woman who had been wrestling with her relationship with Christ the whole time decided she was ready.  She asked if she could be baptized that very moment.  Another young man followed suit.  We all stood amazed!  Commencement is never supposed to be the end of The Journey, but rather, the beginning of a new life of abiding in Christ.  What a blessing to see this tangibly expressed in Baptism.

We all basked in God’s glory as these two young people decided they loved Christ so much that they wanted to marry Him.  And it happened right in front of our eyes. 

So, how about you?

“Will you take Jesus as your spouse for the rest of your life?” 

I hope you say, “I DO.”