
The Journey Movie- It’s Time!

January 26, 2024

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Fellow Influencers:

The movie script for The Journey is underway. We have resources to complete the script and move to the next phase, but before we can engage with a Production company or enlist any actors, directors, key people, we will have to raise the budget for the film. We will know a more accurate budget figure once we have the completed script, but as we use good Christian movies like Jesus Revolution as our guide, we expect we must raise $10-15 Million. Because Influencers Global Ministries is a 501c3, we have the ability to receive tax-deductible donations for this special project. And we have a designated Journey Productions account set up for these funds. Many of you love the series The Chosen and probably, like me, donated money during their crowd-funding to make it available to others.

Well, what’s more important than helping people find an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ, which we believe The Journey movie will help facilitate? Would you consider making a one-time special gift toward this project and encourage other Influencers to do the same. Any amount is appreciated.

At the appropriate time, Journey Feature Films will also announce opportunities to invest in the film, as well. But for now, we are praying about heartfelt donations from our Influencers who believe in our ministry and want to see thousands more people go through The Journey.