News & Updates

Virtual Journey Guides Needed!

August 14, 2024

There are men, women and couples all over the country who would love to go through The Journey, but they need someone to guide them.  “How will they call on Him in whom they have not believed?  How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?  How are they to hear without someone (guiding them. our paraphrase)” Romans 10:14

For example, a couple in South Africa found our ministry on-line and has been talking with Tom Seay, our International Director about their desire to go through The Journey.  They speak good English so no translation necessary, and Tom is looking for a few Co-Guides for this group.
Please pray about being a Virtual Journey Guide. If you feel God affirming this, pray about a Co-Guide. Then, figure out a good time for you to meet.  We can help you with:

-Guide Mentoring

-Promotion of your group

-Send you participants who are waiting

People who go through Virtual groups then go on to start Journey groups in their home cities and that’s how a discipleship movement starts…with your Obedience.

 If you want to learn more about this or are ready to make the commitment, contact Scott Lawson, our Virtual Journey Regional Director at [email protected] or REGISTER HERE