
Welcome Influencers-Carolinas

August 6, 2021

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You have probably heard us say that Influencers is not an organization but rather, it is an organism. Much like the way the early church grew out of the first group of disciples, Influencers has organically grown from the first Journey group Rocky led back in 2001 in Northwest Arkansas. Here we are 20 years later, seeing the organic reproduction continue. This is how Influencers-Carolinas came into being!

Glenn Gordon, who lives in Ft. Mill, South Carolina, got a call from his best friend, Ron Griffin, who lived in Tulsa, OK. Ron was going through a Journey Group, and it was affecting him in such a positive way, he wanted to share it with Glenn. At the time, we had no Influencers in Ft. Mill and we did not have our Virtual Journey Groups. So, Ron led Glenn through The Journey over the phone for the next year and a half.  Glenn, too, was taken by The Journey and learning about an abiding relationship with Christ. He was invited to join the Influencers Leadership Summit in Malibu, CA later that year. Being around Influencers from all over the country and seeing the fruit of Abiding with his very eyes, he believed God was calling him to much more than he realized.

He went home, determined to start a Journey Group. His first fishing pool for participants was NOT his church, but rather, his workout group, called F3. It is a group of men who meet regularly for workouts but are also committed to fellowship and faith. He recruited a solid first group of men and took them through the process. He saw God move on the men and saw God deepen his calling.  Word of this new discipleship process began to spread among the F3 guys until Journey groups started reproducing. The organic reproduction happened the next few years, all the while Glenn was being sifted and prepared to lead the charge with Influencers as Regional Director.

Glenn and his key leadership team of Brian Brenner and John Karwatsky, appealed to Influencers to be an official part of the 501c3 and asked to become, Influencers Carolinas. After a Zoom meeting with Global Board, it was quickly apparent that God was in this, and they voted unanimously to accept this new region.  Influencers-Carolinas has a vision to not only continue discipling men involved with F3 where they are located, but nationally. They also want expand their influence in the local churches in the area. They see their influence spreading, not just in Ft. Mill, SC, but in the North and South Carolina. Please be praying for God's Will in the Carolinas.