Influencers Devotionals
What is Our Response to Coronavirus?- PART FOUR
March 19, 2020
What is Our Response to Coronavirus?
Part Four
by Rocky Fleming
“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” (Philippians 1:12 ESV)
The Apostle Paul was imprisoned and taken to Rome. He was taken out of his public ministry. His form of distributing the Gospel had been changed. But and this is a big “BUT,” it turned out for the good. He said it. He was given more direct influence on people who would have a broader influence than his individual preaching and meeting with people. He was also forced to write his letters, which make up a great part of the New Testament, and required him to speak only to those few physically around him. BUT it turned out to be good. Do you think God had a plan in all this? You can bet on it! How about current events with churches having to cease meeting together for a while? How about Influencers and our ministry that gathers men and women into discipleship groups? Will this postponement with physically meeting together and going to Virtual Journey Groups work out for advancing God’s ministry through Influencers even though it disrupts our methods? It is already proving to be so. Let me share some things with you to prove it.
We’ve been using virtual staff meetings for several years to both encourage and pray together. We’ve been using virtual connections with a person who cannot be in his or her group because of such things as traveling, and thereby including them in their group that they would have missed otherwise. For two years now we’ve been having Virtual Journey Groups both nationally and internationally on a limited basis. While they have worked wonderfully well, these early pioneering groups and efforts we’ve made in other ways have served as the foundation for an explosion of Virtual Journey Groups that I think will be happening soon. I believe God was preparing this ministry for this additional form or discipleship groups way before we would realize, as we do now, not only the necessity of them, but as well the opportunity we now have. Do you sense my excitement?
Our Regional Director in Bakersfield CA has a huge Journey Group ministry where hundreds are in current groups, and as well where thousands have processed through groups the last several years. Les Pearsey told me that last night they had to go to Virtual Groups as a necessity, as we all have had to do. He was concerned, but no longer. He had 49 people in attendance on his first Virtual Group. He then divided them into small groups through our Breakout Rooms option as he does when they meet physically. Bottom line? He said it was wonderful and people were excited that they could still meet. In fact, some cried with gratitude that they were not forgotten.
This morning Les had a Virtual Journey Group with nineteen Millennial men. They too were excited they could still meet. Some even stated that staying home as they’ve been doing has made them better fathers and husbands. They have time for important matters that were put aside. What did Paul say? I repeat, “It turned out for good.” Will this good show up in these families? You bet it will!!
Now my encouragement to you is you do not have to be isolated or without community. Just look for the opportunities and jump in. Stretch yourself to learn the technology and jump in! We will be having more opportunities for Virtual Prayer, as we did last Sunday. We will be doing it again this coming Sunday. Jump in with us! Look at the emails that come out later this week. They will be sharing the connection with you. Invite a friend or family member. Just forward the link we provide. Let us know that you need help and want to jump into this Virtual Prayer Group, and we will make sure that you do.
Coronavirus is a dangerous enemy and we must respect it. But our God is the most dangerous ONE to combat any enemy that comes against His family. Let’s choose this day Him who will make good from bad, and amazing from desperation. Remember these words: