Influencers Devotionals

Who’s Your 3? by Bryan Craig

February 4, 2025


And he allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John the brother of James.  Mark 5:37

A few years ago, I was trying to help a church come up with a model for their men’s ministry that could meet men of all different spiritual levels and entry points and yet, offer a pathway that would help them eventually get to discipleship.  Of course, I’m passionate about having someone go through The Journey, for I believe it has an amazing ability to meet people where they are, no matter their spiritual maturity, and take them to new places in their walk with Jesus.  But I realize that not every person is ready to commit to a 9-month process.  

As I wrestled with these thoughts, a young man who was ex-military explained how the military took people from Basic Training, then to small Teams of 4, to Platoons and into Special Ops, where they found their place of service in the military.  I became captivated about this process, and I started envisioning a similar progression working within the context of a church, utilizing Teams and Teams forming Journey groups, and then men finding their place of service based on their spiritual gifts.  I wrote about in a Blog entitled, "The 4 M's of Making Disciples". You can read it if you are interested.

A key part of the model involved a Leader taking 3 men under his wing for a few years and being responsible for them until they were ready to become leaders.  In the 4M model, I called the leader a “Mentor.”  I always measure my ideas, as to whether they are “good ideas” or “God-ideas.”  As I’ve thought and prayed about this concept, I believe it is from God.  And there is much scriptural evidence.

  • Consider the fact that Jesus had the 12 Disciples (I like to call this the 1st Journey Group :) BUT, there are many accounts where he only took Peter, James and John with him. He showed them power and insights that he did not show the rest. He was mentoring them. They were 3 key figures in the Early Church. Besides the Matthew, Mark and Luke gospels and Paul’s writings, Peter, James and John wrote much of the New Testament.

  • Consider David, the “man after God’s heart”, who was in the line of Jesus and a significant leader.  He had his band of men who went from being dejected outcasts to becoming “mighty men”.    Well, interestingly, you read that David had 3 whom stood out as his key leaders.  (See 2 Samuel 23).

  • I also think it is interesting how Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, saw him trying to lead all the people by himself and pulled him aside, and said, “Moses, what you are doing is not wise.  You are going to wear yourself out and the people.  You are not able to do it alone.” (My paraphrase…See Exodus 18) He goes on to tell him to appoint leaders over tens, hundreds, thousands.  Moses couldn’t help everyone, but he could focus on helping a smaller group, who would help a group, etc, until all were reached.

There are leadership principles to be learned from God’s Word and discipleship principles, as well.  Years ago, when I was leading men at my church, I had a thought.  This was before I found The Journey.  What if every mature man committed to pour into just 1 man for a year.  At the end of the year, he would challenge that man to find another man to spend the next year with and the original mentor would find a new man to mentor.  If this worked, I did the multiplication math, and it was staggering to see how many men you could reach in 10 years.  The idea seemed to break down for a number of reasons, but mostly because men would not know how to mentor another.  But this is where The Journey helps.  

We have a process that works to help someone become a disciple.  We have a target of helping someone understand how to “abide with Christ.”  The Journey can be the main material or focus for a person’s development, but it makes a huge difference if, in addition, a participant has someone checking in with him and prompting him to go deeper.  We just need more “Mentors”, as Rocky depicted at the Banquet Table in Journey to the Inner Chamber, helping spur newer disciples along.  Interestingly, Rocky is currently exploring the validity of older men in our ministry becoming spiritual fathers to others.  God is speaking to us.

As I think about how many men and women have gone through The Journey and never reproduced it, and we’ve lost track of them, I think “mentoring” would have helped.  

What if every leader within Influencers, whether they are a Staff member, a Board member, a Champion in a new city or a Journey Guide, men and women alike, had 3 people they would commit to mentor for a few years, until such time that those 3 were ready to find their own 3?

Well, as Rocky says, “Experience Trumps Theory.”  A few years ago, I tested my own theory.  I was wrapping up a Journey group, and I prayed about which of the 3 men I should stay with after The Journey.  God gave me 3 of the men in my mind.  I asked them if they would be willing to keep meeting with me for the next year, and they all 3 agreed.  We met at least once a month for the next year or so.  

  • We would share our journals each time.
  • We would talk about what God was doing in each man’s life.
  • We read a few books together.
  • We prayed together.

Two of the men went on to later lead Journey groups, which I don’t think would have happened if I had not invested in them.  All are Influencers in their own right.  I know it made a positive difference.

I’m speaking mainly to you who are reading this who are leaders in this ministry or those of you who have been Guides in the past and are currently not involved.  Would you pray about investing in 3 people this next year.  Maybe you end up taking them through The Journey… maybe you don’t.  The Holy Spirit will let you know what is needed.  Our daily Abide email goes to 10,000 people.  Imagine the impact if even just 1,000 of you took this challenge. 

There are hurting, lost, wandering sheep looking for a shepherd.  They may be isolated, lonely, afraid, confused.  Your invitation may be exactly what they are waiting for.  

So, I ask you.

Who’s Your 3?