
Books for The Journey are on Audiobook


Books for The Journey are on Audiobook For all you Influencers who like to “listen” to your books, we wanted to make sure you knew that Rocky’s books for The Journey...

September 9, 2022

Invitation to Soul Health by Bryan Craig


Fellow Influencers Leaders (Staff members, Board members, Journey Guides): How’s your soul?  This is a question our founder, Rocky Fleming, asks leaders all the time.

September 8, 2022

Fall Apparel Sale (7 Days Only - Ends Sept. 15th)

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Get your Fall Influencers Gear NOW!  The Influencers Fall Apparel Sale will be open for one week only, and then, allow two weeks for processing and shipping.

September 8, 2022

Journey Guide Non-Negotiables by Rocky Fleming

LeadersGuide July2020 Cover final pdf

While there is more in-depth information in our DNA document that explains our perspective, this letter is for basic understanding for guides who are involved in that capacity.

September 6, 2022

Virtual Women’s College-age Journey Group

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Virtual Women’s College-age Journey Group Bryan Craig’s daughter, Isabelle, had a life-changing experience this summer as part of a Student Mobilization summer discipleship community, and she is hungry for more.

September 6, 2022

The Journey in Rwanda, Africa!


The Journey in Rwanda, Africa! You may remember us reporting about the men from Rwanda who went through a Virtual Journey group last season.

August 30, 2022

Take your Journey Pack Selfie

Journey Pack Selfie

            Take your Journey Pack Selfie The Global Office is shipping Journey Packs all over the country.   We view each pack shipped as a potential transformed life.

August 26, 2022

It’s Journey Season!

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It’s Journey Season!   Journey Groups are launching all over the world, so NOW IS THE TIME to get plugged in. We have:   Live Groups in cities all over.

August 19, 2022

God is Moving Through Influencers in Costa Rica by Bryan Craig


When Rocky completed the very first Journey group back in 2001, he was ready to move on and form another group.

August 10, 2022

Influencers Leadership Summit

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Influencers Leadership Summit Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life October 27-30, 2022 Camp Heart O’ Hills (near Tulsa, OK)   LIVE STREAM FEED FOR THE EVENT Schedule for Main Sessions Thursday, October 27th 7:00-8:30 PM CST...

August 5, 2022
