
Couples Journey Guide Meeting RECORDING


Many men and women who have gone through The Journey are strongly desiring to go through The Journey again, but with their Spouses.

November 15, 2021

Influencers Mentoring Opportunity

BODY Virtual Journey Groups

One thing we’ve learned in the past few years is the need for us to always be “mentoring” the next generation of leaders.

October 18, 2021



We are pleased to give you the final numbers from our $30K Challenge.

October 1, 2021

Fall Apparel Sale ONE WEEK ONLY


ONE-WEEK ONLY October 1-8  Many of you MISSED OUT last time we had an Influencers apparel sale, so we are offering some Fall items for a limited time.

October 1, 2021

Influencers Leadership Summit

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For the next few days, Influencers Staff, Board Members from the Global and Regional offices, along with Champions and Leaders from emerging cities, will gather for a sacred time together.

September 23, 2021

It's Journey Season

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It’s so awesome that we have Journey groups starting throughout the year, all over the United States and beyond.   But Fall is a really big launching time.

September 2, 2021

Extended, Saturation Prayer

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Last week, Rocky sent our staff the communication below, feeling a need for us to fervently seek the Lord during this time of crisis in the world, and as, perhaps,...

August 26, 2021

$30,000 Matching Fund Opportunity

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Disciples who abide in Christ exude generosity.   We have seen this through the years among our constituents, and we desire to demonstrate this, as well.

August 6, 2021

Influencers Bakersfield Commencement

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The men of Bakersfield completed our Journey season this May. God moved in miraculous ways this season. Some men surrendered their hearts to the Lord for the first time.

July 2, 2021

Seeking Spanish-speaking Americans for a Journey Group


Now that we have our curriculum in Spanish, we want to help make it more readily available to Spanish-speaking Americans.

May 27, 2021
