
Influencers-Costa Rica Launching Soon


From the beginning of Influencers, Rocky felt that if this ministry was going to expand, it would have to be organically.

May 11, 2021

Need for Women Virtual Guides


More and more women are contacting Influencers from new cities, looking to get into a Journey group.

May 6, 2021

Journey Books Available in Audio Format


Did you know that all the books used in The Journey are now available in Audio format on Audible through Amazon!  AND they are narrated by Rocky himself.

April 22, 2021

Arabic Evangelism Campaign


Arabic Evangelism Campaign  Fourteen years ago, a Christian translation organization out of Cairo, Egypt requested to translate some of our books into Arabic to reach people in the Middle East.

April 19, 2021

Souly Refresh in Bakersfield

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Influencers Bakersfield hosted another “Souly Refresh” via Zoom, which is a taste of their Souly Business retreats, for inspiration and encouragement.

April 15, 2021

Influencers Dallas Retreat in May

Influencers logo Dallas

The Journey has been expanding in the Dallas, TX metroplex for the last 3 years in Frisco, Rockwall and in Dallas.

April 15, 2021

Women's Prayer Meeting

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                                     Join other Women of Influence from around the world as we unite in prayer. Thursday, April 8th 7-8pm Central Time Email Jaime Lind jlind@influencers.

April 7, 2021

Notes and Recordings From Stewarding Discipleship Webinar with Nate Sweeney


Thank you to all who attended the Stewarding Discipleship Webinar.   Below are recordings of the event that you can share with other pastors and ministry leaders.

March 30, 2021

The Journey to the Inner Chamber Illustration


  One of our Board members, Greg Huett, has found The Journey to the Inner Chamber to be so compelling that he hired an artist to do a rendering of Part...

March 22, 2021

New Journey Leader's Guide Now Available

LeadersGuide July2020 Cover final pdf

The newest version of The Journey Leader’s Guide is NOW IN STOCK in the Influencers store.

January 14, 2021
